Active codes
- GHOSTS - Undead Candy slycer
- MINING - Charcoal Slycer and the Motherlode Slycer Crafting Recipe
Expired codes
- HAVEPRIDE - Slyce of Pride 2024
- CRAFTING - Unlock the New Recipe - Iridescent Slycer
- MOREPOWER - Machine Dagger (CAUTION)
- HOLIDAY - Holiday Splinter slycer
- TRICKORTREAT - Stab-O'-Lantern
- PEST - Ye Older Slycer
- OOPSIES - Oopsie Daisies
- RED - Code Red Slycer
- HEARTBREAKER - Hollow Heart Slycer
- SNOWMAN - Redeem for Minty Holiday Hook Knife
- NEWYEARGRIND - Redeem for XP Boost (1 Hour)
- OMGFINALLY - Get 100 gems
- BOO - Redeem for the Dark Fiend Knife
- DESYNC - Redeem for The Broken Clock knife
- LUCKY2022 - Redeem for Cookie Cutter Slycer
- CUPID2022
- SANTA - Redeem for Santa Hat Slycer
- HAPPYNEWYEAR - Redeem for 2022 New Year
- 900M - Redeem for 900M Slycer
- HALLOWVEMBER - Redeem for Friendly Spirits Knife
- 800M - Redeem for 800M Slycer
- jumpbug - Redeem for the Jumping Bug Knife
- 700M - Redeem for 700M Slycer
- PRIDE - Redeem for the Pride Knife
- Lucky Carver Knife: LUCKY2021
- Heartbreaker Knife: CUPID2021
- Clover Carver Knife: LUCKY2020
- Rusty Dagger: FRIDAY13
- 10 Million Celebration Knife: 10M
- Heart Breaker Knife: CUPID
- Hollowed Moon Knife: SPOOKY2020
- Holiday Knife: HAPPYHOLIDAYS
- Burlap Brute's Chains: FULLMOON
- Cheeseworth's Cheesy Chopper: CHEESE
- Sawblade's Jigsaw Knife: SAWBLADE
- 300k Knife: WhatsTheCode
- Ribbons of Gold Knife: ThatsALotOfVisits
- Devious Dagger: DEVIOUS
- Happy's Circus Knife, 50 Coins, & 100 XP: KILLERCRAZE
- Chucky's Rattle Knife: CHUCKY
- Spoon Knife: SPOON
- Purple Pinstripe Knife: MASHEDPOTATOES
- Sunlit Glass Knife: TRADINGWHEN
- Patched Knife: CRATESSOON
- Test Knife: TEST
- 100 Coins & 50 XP: 5MILLION
Redeem the codes by going to Cody in the Lobby